This was also our big shot appointment. Because we opted to have her birth immunizations delayed, today she had three pokes and one oral dose. Poor booger hated the oral immunization - I guess because all she's ever had is breastmilk it was pretty yucky - also a lot more than I would have thought for such a little booger. The nurse who gave her the shots was a pro and did them very quickly but it was still pretty rough. I don't know who was more traumatized - her or me! It's been a couple of hours now and we've spent most of the time snuggling and nursing, trying to get back on track. After our last nurse she gave me lots of big smiles so I think she's on her way to forgiving me for letting them poke her :)
This last week Eliza has had a lot of changes. She's been smiling a lot more - usually in the mornings. It's been so much fun and now we're eager for the giggles to start. She also started moving her head back and forth. She still has a hematoma (bruise) on her skull from birth that has made her only want to turn to the left, but she's been moving to the right on her own this week which is awesome - that should keep her from developing a flat spot opposite the hematoma. She found her hands this week and has been sucking on them like mad. It's super cute, even if she does get a little frustrated and fussy when she can't quite get her thumb out of her fist. Lastly, she has been focusing and tracking a lot. You can move back and forth in front of her or move a toy around and she will follow it with her eyes like a pro. She's more and more interactive and "talkative" and we're loving it.
We've spent the past two weeks trying to get her into a bedtime routine. She had been staying up with Jeremy until he comes to bed at 2am. It was working great, but with work trips coming up we decided we needed to start putting her down earlier so I don't have to stay up while he's gone. It was a rough few nights getting her to go down between 9 and 10, but now she's pretty much got it. Jeremy wakes her up to change her when he comes to bed and I nurse her. The other night he fell asleep in his office and didn't come get her and I woke up at 5am - she had slept for 7 hours and was still going strong! Of course since my body is used to nursing her at least every 4 hours I had to wake her up and get some relief - but I do wonder how long she would have gone! Looks like the only thing keeping her from sleeping through the night is me. I'm not quite ready for that yet, though.
I think we're going to try to offer her a bottle with my pumped milk this weekend. I'm having a hard time letting go and doing this just because I love our nursing soooo much - but it will be good for me to be able to leave her on occasion. Wish us luck!
Hanging with Daddy at Qdoba
Big smiles!
So serious!
Cute little crossed feetsies
Hanging with Grandpa
In the waiting room at the doctor, sound asleep
Sleeping again in the exam room, waiting for the dreaded pokes
Home recovering with some Momma snuggles
Sleeping away the pain
Finally happy again - that wasn't so bad! :)
Holy moly she's cute! Put a smile on my face :)