Not much else is going on in the Grolnar household other than watching the time speed by through the growth of our little one. We're trying to plan a trip out to Austin here soon before it gets too hot there, but other than that we're just hangin out having fun.
All the cool kids climb the stairs topless
Showing off her tongue
Dad refinished the table and chair that my grandfather made for him and that we all grew up with. He made the "F" on the chair into an "E." I absolutely love this and Eliza does too!
Hanging out in her special chair
Of course within an hour she had figured out that it can be used for climbing purposes. D'oh!
Almost too big for the Johnny Jumpup. That's going to be a sad sad day for all of us.
Sleeping with her lovey - Jeremy named him "nom nom"
All bundled up!
Very dark video, but you can see some of Eliza's sweet moves
Playing peek-a-boo
Peekaboo again!
Oh my god, the tongue photo made me crack the heck up. I love that baby! And she's so cute snuggled with Nom Nom.