Yikes! Turning 27 today is making me feel ollld! I always imagined myself onto my second kid by now, but at the same time I don't feel like any other time would be as perfect as now to start a family. Jeremy took me out to my favorite - The Melting Pot - last night to celebrate and it was, as usual, delicious. Burgers for lunch and then tonight a bunch of family is getting together at the Inn for biscuits and gravy with fried eggs . . . mmmmmmmm! Yes, yes, my birthday is pretty much focused solely upon eating, but in baby's defense - this has pretty much been the case every year, pregnant or not.
It's also Baby Grolnar's birthday, he is turning the big 1-6 (weeks, that is). This means he is the size of an avocado all curled up, but if he stretched out and you made him stand up he'd be around 7 inches tall. I'm supposed to be able to start feeling the kicks and acrobatics anywhere from now to 20 weeks. One of my books said first-time moms are more likely to feel them closer to 20 weeks, but another said slender moms usually feel them sooner, so we will see. I can't wait!
This week has also seen huge leaps in our kitchen construction project. We are having an entirely new kitchen built in what used to be the dining room and all that's left to do is finish some wiring and tiling the counters! Mom and Dad are amazing at tiling, and this week they are going to try and knock it out before Mom leaves for London. We got the tiles in yesterday and they are gorgeous. I can't wait to post pictures of the finished product!