We saw a moose up really close in Rocky Mountain National Park!
Beautiful hike
Family :)
Enjoying riding with Momma
Tuckered out
We wore her out!
Eliza is growing so fast. Just today she flipped from her back to her stomach for the first time! She has started to reach for and grab onto toys and then promptly shoves them into her mouth. I'm also about 95% sure that she's cutting a molar. Since babies usually don't teeth this early and they usually get their molars last this is very unusual, but not unheard of. I can see a white dot on her gums and she's been exceptionally mouthy, drooly and sad. I'm hoping it will go back up into the gums here soon and wait to bug her later since molars are so difficult to cut. It's so hard to see her sad and know there's not a whole lot I can do to help. I've discovered that our big battle is probably going to be naps. She used to sleep during the day just fine but recently she's really been fighting it. Luckily she's been sleeping between 6-9 hours straight every night though. I'd rather have a hard time during the day than at night!
This week is when I would have had to go back to work if I had stayed on at Columbia and I must say I am very happy to be at home. I miss Eliza when I leave for just a few hours and think I would be very unhappy to be apart from her so much.
SO CUTE! It sounds like you had a blast in Boulder/Estes Park! Did you get melty cheese by chance?? :)