Sunday, July 15, 2012

California Dreamin

We just got back from a nice long trek to California.  Jeremy had to go for work, so since his ticket was already paid for we decided to have Eliza and I join him and extend the trip.  We spent a week visiting with my friends Kali and Sadie from my study abroad in Italy.  We spent a few nights at Sadie's beach house outside of Santa Cruz and the rest of the time at Kali's in San Luis Obispo.  After that much-needed rest, we headed to Arcadia outside of LA where Jeremy worked for a week and Eliza and I hung out at the hotel and nearby parks.

E hit two big milestones during the trip - she got to where she is solidly walking on her own and she *finally* learned how to roll over from her back to her stomach.  Combine those two new talents and you get a girl who flips over in her crib, stands up and runs laps instead of sleeping.  She will sleep someday . . . . right???

It was great to have some time to recharge, but we're happy to be home just in time to welcome the Basharas for their annual summer visit!

Pooped after a long plane ride
(I have to clarify - the pink carseat was significantly cheaper - don't judge!) :-p

Meet our awesome rental car, "Slimer!"  

First wagon ride.  She LOVED it!

Mike the pack mule

Aunt Kali helping me give E her first "do."  She was a sad sad baby.

This little girl LOVES the beach.  She could have watched the ocean all day every day if we let her.

Playing with Kali's baby Lucy.  She is such a sweet girl and learned how to crawl while we were visiting!

Little diva

Beach fun

Splash time!

Family pic

Kali's son Mason showing E how to enjoy the beach

Kali and Mike had tons of stairs which made E very happy

Chillin and reading at the hotel

If it was up to E we would have ridden the glass elevators at the hotel ALL day every day!

We had to get our In n Out fix while in Cali

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