Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Last stretch

2 1/2 weeks left and I have hit my most hated pregnancy symptom thus far - swelling. I think I'd take the nausea again over this :-p I don't like staying off of my feet!
Tomorrow we go in for a sizing ultrasound - last week the doctor said that I wasn't measuring quite as big as he expected to see. He said that the form of measuring is very imprecise and didn't seem super worried about it, but wanted to schedule an ultrasound just in case. I think Eliza heard him because that was 8 days ago and I feel like my belly has popped out bigger and bigger each day! Don't tell my baby girl she's not growing fast enough, she'll show you! It should be interesting seeing how scrunched up she is in there - last time we had an ultrasound was at 18 weeks and she had plenty of room to stretch and kick around.
Looking at this picture I don't even know how I'm standing up without falling over! Send your positive vibes our way - hoping she stays put until her due date!


  1. Janet - YOU LOOK SO CUTE! Sending positive vibes your way! I'm so eager to meet her!!! Take care and we'll be seeing you SOON!

  2. So cute!!! Looks like your watermelon baby is growing just fine to me! Hope everything goes great today and that Miss Eliza stays put for a few more weeks!
